Keep Your Body Healthy and Hydrated on Acne Medication

Keep Your Body Healthy and Hydrated on Acne Medication

By: Abby Fulmar

There is always a certain level of fear when beginning acne medication. This apprehensiveness results from a fear of the unknown; you never quite know how the medicine will affect your body and skin. However, one thing is certain; you will experience significant dehydration and peeling. This is inevitable due to the various acids and alcohols included in both topical and oral acne medications. Despite the unavoidable irritation that will occur, there are plenty of ways to maintain healthy skin and hair while taking these medicines.

Fish Oil

Strong acne medications such as Isotretinoin, commonly referred to as Accutane, are made primarily of high doses of vitamin A. Taking vitamin A has numerous benefits, such as boosting cell turnover, however it can also cause substantial joint pain and inflammation. Conversely, fish oil is filled with omega-3 fatty acids, proven to lubricate joints, reduce inflammation, and eradicate stiffness. Fish oil can also help lower triglyceride levels, which often rise while taking Isotretinoin.

Dr. Dan’s Cortibalm

One of the most common side effects of taking oral acne medication is the dreaded cracked and chapped lips. Sometimes it seems like no matter how much aquaphor and vaseline is applied, lips will continue to crack and break. When this happens, Dr. Dan’s Cortibalm is a great remedy. This medicated lip balm contains 1% hydrocortisone, an ingredient that stops the inflammatory cycle, relieves pain, and speeds up the healing process. The only other ingredients are beeswax, petroleum jelly, and mineral oil, all naturally derived and qualified to provide maximum hydration.

EltaMD Moisture Seal

No matter if you are using topical or oral medication, dry skin is unavoidable. The only way to clear pores and eliminate stubborn breakouts is to dehydrate them and encourage new cell growth. To combat the dryness, moisturizing your face needs to be the most important step in your skincare routine. EltaMD Moisture Seal was created specifically for sensitive skin resulting from medical treatments. To seal moisture and hydrate skin for up to 24 hours, apply on moist skin and let sit for two minutes, then simply wipe off the access. Though it will leave you shiny, this moisturizer is oil-free and will not clog pores.

Aloe Vera

As acne medication works to dry out your pores, your scalp and hair can also fall victim to dehydration and irritation. Many popular oils claim to replenish dull hair, however they often contain harmful ingredients such as sulfates, parabens, and denatured alcohol, which can further dehydrate your strands. Aloe vera is a cheap and natural alternative without oils and stripping ingredients. It is known for its cooling and soothing properties and is a great remedy for the itchy scalp that frequently results from intense acne medication. Pure aloe also contains vitamins A, C, and E, known to promote cell growth and produce shiny, strong, and nourished hair strands.

Stubborn breakouts and the tedious journey of removing them can cause discomfort for many parts of your body, not just your face. In order to achieve the best results and the dewy, fresh skin many desire today, implement these products into your routine while on harsh acne medication.

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