Organizational Tips for Finals Week

Organizational Tips for Finals Week

By: Alice Ann Hollingsworth

The shortened semester is coming to a close, and final exams are just around the corner! With the added stress of the pandemic forcing universities to transition to hybrid or fully online classes, students must, in turn, adjust their study strategies. Below I’ve listed some of my best study tips for online test-taking and conquering finals amid the Coronavirus. 

Buy a Calendar

I cannot stress this enough. It is so helpful to write down all your important due dates. This cute calendar from (link to cute calendar) alternatively, if you don’t like lugging around real paper and pen- the sticky notes setting on your computer or Google Calendar can also be super helpful for organization!

Find a Good Study Spot

There are plenty of good places to get your school grind on in Oxford! If you’ve got noisy roommates, the Graduate Hotel offers a cute spot with plenty of cozy seating and a coffee bar! If you need a noise-less area to focus, try the J.D. William’s library on campus. In need of some Vitamin D? The picnic tables at the Grove or Lamar Park are both great options! 

Make your study space feel comfortable.

Make your study space feel comfortable.

Make a To-Do List

There’s nothing more satisfying than checking boxes off your list. Make a good, old fashion list with pen and paper and stick to it! Or, if you’re an iPhone user, the notes app has a convenient option to check off your to-do's digitally! 

Prioritize your Difficult Classes 

Decide which classes you will need more time to study for, gather your materials, and set aside extra time for those courses! If you are struggling in a specific class, make sure you have ample time to study for them! Begin studying ahead of time and try not to cram the night before your exam. 

Attend Office Hours 

Most professors offer a time for you to meet with them and ask questions! If you are struggling in a course or need extra help to obtain the grade you desire, make an effort to attend your professor’s office hours! Most often, they will appreciate the fact that you chose to reach out and will help you however they can. 

Grab a cup of coffee - a cute mug is a perk.

Grab a cup of coffee - a cute mug is a perk.

Find a Quiet Test-taking Spot

Before your exam, remember to double-check internet connection and browser compatibility. Get rid of distractions by powering off your phone and, if needed, make sure your roommate(s) know you will be taking an exam! It is essential to maintain a quiet environment for your focus. 

Most Importantly, Remember to Relax!

If you don’t take care of yourself, it will be more difficult to perform to the best of your ability! Take study breaks, sleep and exercise, and reward yourself for hard work. Set a manageable goal for yourself within a certain time period. Once you reach it, chat with a friend, go for a walk, grab a coffee, or take a power nap before you get back to studying! 

Pictures from Pinterest.


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