9 Holiday Movies to Watch Based on Your Enneagram Type

9 Holiday Movies to Watch Based on Your Enneagram Type

By: Madalyn Dudley

With so many different options of Christmas movies to watch, it is hard to find which movie is perfect for you. For those who are unfamiliar, the Enneagram personality test looks at your personality traits and inner quirks to assign you the personality type that suits you the best. The results of the test allow you to become more emotionally confident as it gives you a glimpse into why you are the way you are, and in this case why you may enjoy some Christmas movies more than others. We hope this list of movies will allow you to better connect with all your favorite holiday characters.

Enneagram 1: The Reformer

Movie: Christmas Cupid

Reformers are your perfectionists. They are rational, always on top of deadlines, and purposeful with each moment of their time. The movie Christmas Cupid features an ambitious PR executive, Sloane Spencer, who has let her life be controlled by making her work look “perfect” compared to her colleagues. Sloane embodies the Reformer personality and this movie shows how the perfectionist mindset can sometimes hold you back. Remind yourself to slow down and enjoy time with those around you while you watch Sloane Spencer find love and peace when she is forced to stop worrying about perfection in the workplace. 

 Enneagram 2: The Helper

Movie: The Holiday

Type twos spend all of their time caring for others. They are kind, generous, and show their love with consistent acts of service. In the movie The Holiday, main characters Iris and Amanda give their all to their work and their loved ones, but still find themselves alone for the holidays. This movie is an example of the benefits that can come from Enneagram type twos taking time for themselves instead of constantly helping others. Type twos should be reminded during the holiday season that it is okay to help yourself and care about your own happiness. 

Enneagram 3: The Achiever

Movie: The Santa Clause

Enneagram type threes are always trying to do their best. They are success-oriented, hardworking, and driven. Scott Calvin works hard each day to be successful at work and in fatherhood. During his busiest season at work, Scott’s plans for success are interrupted when Santa Claus falls off his roof and the duties of Santa are passed on to him. This movie is light-hearted and the perfect reminder for type threes to not be worried when life gets off track, but instead continue being their hardworking self no matter what. 

Enneagram 4: The Individualist

Movie: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 

Type fours are the individualists – the sensitive, withdrawn type that is often expressive, dramatic, and temperamental. When hearing these words, the first Christmas character to come to mind is the notorious Clarke Griswold from Christmas Vacation. Griswold spends each day working towards having the perfect family Christmas. He covers every inch of his house in lights, only to dramatically destroy other decorations when a blown fuse prevents their lighting, and has a raging breakdown at family dinner when he does not receive his Christmas bonus. Despite his dramatic and overly obsessive tendencies, Clarke means well with his efforts during Christmas, and the movie ends with a happy family coming together after the chaos of the holiday. Enneagram type fours often find themselves feeling overwhelmed and lashing out during the holidays, so Christmas Vacation is a great movie to watch to be reminded to laugh at yourself and not take life too seriously.

Enneagram 5: The Investigator

Movie: Home Alone

Enneagram type fives are the investigators in our lives. They are innovative, isolated, and sometimes secretive, but always observant of their surroundings. Seven-year-old Kevin McCallister displays all of these traits when he is accidentally left home alone where he must face cat burglars trying to break into his house. Kevin uses resources he finds around the house to create innovative traps to prevent the burglars from entering his home. Despite his isolation from the world and inability to contact his family, Kevin makes friends with his neighbors and is able to single-handedly keep his home from being robbed. Many type fives feel like Kevin: isolated and misunderstood. This movie is a good reminder to all investigators that they have so much potential, and despite whatever they feel at the time, they do have a family that would be distraught without them.

Enneagram 6: The Loyalist

The Movie: The Family Stone

Type sixes are the committed, loyal, and responsible friends so many of us know and love. Loyalists believe in tradition, and make sure to spend time and energy caring for each of their loved ones. Sometimes anxious, Loyalists simply want to be the best they can be for those they love. In the movie The Family Stone, you find many loyalists that care so deeply for Everett Stone that they begin to argue over his potential engagement. Meredith, Everett’s girlfriend, is a classic loyalist, often anxious about being the perfect girlfriend, but always committed to her relationship. Sybil, Everett’s mother, is also a type six and finds herself arguing with Meredith frequently. Both keeping Everett’s best interest in mind, Sybil and Meredith find themselves in constant tension over a proposal on the horizon.The Family Stone is a comforting movie for a type six as it shows that in the end, despite any anxiety or complications, everything ends up exactly as it should. 

Enneagram 7: The Enthusiast

Movie: Elf 

Buddy the Elf is the perfect depiction of a type seven. Type sevens are busy, fun-loving, spontaneous, and scatterbrained. The movie Elf is perfect for enthusiasts as Buddy lives life the way they do. When his life is turned upside down and he spontaneously moves from the North Pole to New York City, Buddy is met with new challenges that he faces in his fun, enthusiastic manner. 

Enneagram 8: The Challenger

Movie: How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Challenger’s are powerful, dominant personality types with confidence that helps them be extremely confrontational and decisive. The Grinch is a type 8 personality, demonstrating  all of the key qualities with hints of grouchiness and bitterness. How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a movie Challengers can relate to while also being reminded that if they let their personality get too out of control, they could hurt those around them. The Grinch somehow befriends Cindy Lou Who despite his best efforts, but ends up scaring her away during one of his fits seeking to destroy Christmas in Whoville. This movie is a reminder that a type eight personality can be extremely helpful to those around them if they do not let their confidence and personal wishes outshine their natural abilities. 

Enneagram 9: The Peacemaker

Movie: A Charlie Brown Christmas 

Type nines are the peacemakers in your life. They are easygoing, reassuring, agreeable, and want everyone to enjoy themselves. Despite some negativity surrounding him, Charlie Brown takes it into his own hands to make Christmas an enjoyable experience for everyone around him. He decides to direct the Christmas play and decorate a Christmas tree to shift the mood of the holiday away from commercialism and back to a peaceful time for all. Charlie Brown is the type of peacemaker that does not let the forces of the world affect him, and instead goes with his own flow to ensure everyone has a great Christnas. Peacemakers can connect with many Charlie Brown Christmas characters, and its happy ending is a perfect reminder that no matter the circumstances, when a reassuring peacemaker steps up to the plate, all can be restored. 

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