A Beginner's Guide to Meditation 

A Beginner's Guide to Meditation 

By: Aliza Warner

As we begin a new year and a new semester, it is a great time to practice more self-care in our lives and one way to do that is by practicing meditation. Meditating is a simple tool that can be incorporated into your everyday routine, especially when our days can feel so hectic. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Dedicate at Least Five Minutes 

When beginning meditation, it is important to start small. If you try to do a thirty-minute meditation, you will find that it is a little difficult to clear your mind for that long, especially as a beginner. Even though it is definitely possible to do a meditation session for a long period of time, you only need about five minutes. Pick a time during the day when you can easily stop what you are doing and dedicate your time to meditation. Even if you have a busy schedule, taking five minutes to pause can work wonders. Once with more practice and if you feel more comfortable, feel free to lengthen your meditation. But until then, start with five minutes. 

Start with Guided Meditations

While practicing meditation, you will find that sometimes your mind can wander, which can be frustrating when you are first starting out. But do not worry, that is completely normal! We are wired to be thinking all the time but sometimes we just need a little break. To help with this, try to start with guided meditations. Guided meditations will help focus your mind on specific things such as visualizations or breathing techniques. It can be super helpful to have someone to guide you. Here are a few free meditation podcasts that have lots of different options. 

Find a Comfortable Spot 

When you meditate, you want to be relaxed. To do this, you want to find a comfortable place where you can let your body rest. This place does not have to be in a scenic spot in the park where you go early in the morning (but it can be if you want it to be). This place can simply be in your bed, on the couch, or on your living room floor. If you would like, dedicate a spot just for your meditations just like for your schedule. 

Be Patient 

It is important to keep in mind that meditating for the first time can be difficult, but do not feel discouraged. Remember, we are always thinking or doing something so just to stop it all for a few minutes can be hard at first. But like learning any new skill, you have to practice and be patient. If you find your mind wandering, do not give up. Acknowledge it and bring your mind back to what your meditation wants you to focus on. 

Listen to Yourself & Your Body

Meditating is like a mini check-in. When we are so busy, we sometimes do not see the signals our body or mind sends us that tell us, "hey, take a break." But meditation allows us to do that. You might be surprised by what your body tells you when you stop for a second. You may notice the way you are breathing or the tension in your neck. With that being said, you should also make sure to pay attention to your body when you meditate, especially during breathing exercises. Do not do anything that feels uncomfortable to you or that you are not ready for. Practice with the beginner breathing exercises until you feel able to do the advanced ones. Meditating should not make you feel uncomfortable or out of breath.

Meditation is a great skill to incorporate into your life and with practice can become an integral part of your daily routine. 

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