How to Unwind During the School Year

How to Unwind During the School Year

By: Briley Rakow

Returning from spring break marks the middle of the spring semester, so there is no better time to think about self-care and how to take care of your mental health during the school year. Summer is looming and it can be difficult to stay on track and stress-free as finals approach, but there are plenty of ways to unwind without taking too much time out of your busy schedule. 

Go on a walk

This may seem obvious, but going for a walk outside is a great way to get some exercise in a relaxing environment. Turn on your favorite playlist or a new podcast and head to Lamar Park or the South Campus Rail Trail for a peaceful stroll.

Rewatch your favorite movie or show 

At the end of a long day of school and other activities, it can be nice to spend the evening curled up on the couch or in bed to watch your favorite movie or TV show. Turn on whatever it is that makes you feel relaxed, sit back, and enjoy a stress-free night. 

Go on a coffee date with a friend 

If you are feeling stressed about school or anything else, chances are you have a friend who can relate. Spend your study break together getting coffee or a snack to help you feel a little less overwhelmed. 

Try a new skincare product 

Taking time for yourself is so important to mental health and something as simple as trying a  new moisturizer or face mask can help you feel much better about your day.

Read a good book 

You may be thinking how reading could be considered a break from schoolwork, but finding time to read for pleasure rather than for school can be a nice way to feel productive and keep your mind working on your break.

Cook a healthy meal

It is easy to get so caught up with schoolwork that you forget to eat or grab something quick that does not necessarily nourish your brain and body. Head to the grocery store and pick up some fresh ingredients to cook a nice lunch or dinner and jumpstart your body for the rest of the week.

Find a new study spot 

Burnout is perfectly normal at this time of year and sometimes all you need to help feel motivated to get your work done is a change of scenery. Study spots come in all shapes and sizes, so find somewhere new that you feel comfortable and productive.

Clean out your room 

If your room or living space is a mess, chances are you will feel less motivated to do your schoolwork and more stressed about your day. If you take an hour to reorganize your space, it may just declutter your mind as well. 

Self-care and unwinding from everyday stress is an important part of life, especially when it comes to staying productive and healthy during the school year. For more self-care content, keep reading and follow us on Instagram @um.squaremagazine

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