Outdoor Activities to Celebrate Spring

Outdoor Activities to Celebrate Spring

By: Katie Kerrigan

When the birds start to sing and the flowers are in bloom, the temptation to spend every minute outside is impossible to resist. For days when all you want is some fresh air, having a fun outdoor activity planned is the perfect way to spend your weekend. 

Having a picnic is a lovely way to make the most of the warm weather. Picnics can be simple or elaborate, and they also make for a romantic date. You can prepare the food yourself or head to your favorite restaurant for takeout. Get a cozy picnic blanket and some utensils and head to your favorite spot for a peaceful afternoon. 

If you live in an area with trails, going for a hike is a great way to take a break from screens and get some exercise. Take some friends or your significant other and spend the afternoon exploring the outdoors. 

If you are someone with consistently busy days, taking even twenty minutes to go for a walk can make all the difference. Head to the nearest park or trail and listen to some music or your favorite podcast. This can help you unwind after a stressful day or help clear your head for the day to come. 

Being outside can also help you tap into your creative side. Sitting somewhere and journaling, drawing, or reading is a mindful way to take time for yourself. You can also include friends or your significant other in this. Whether you go to a park, a trail, or your front porch, embracing creativity outdoors can help you relax. 

Another fun activity to do once the weather gets nice is to visit a local garage sale. Grab some friends and see what you find, take pictures, and have fun. 

Once night falls, having an outdoor movie night is a unique way to spend time with your friends. With a sheet and a movie projector, you can create your own outdoor movie theater, complete with blankets, sleeping bags, and whatever snacks you want. 

Taking advantage of the outdoors has so many benefits, for both your physical and mental health. Staying active and scheduling time to be away from screens each day can be a form of mindfulness and self care. As spring progresses into summer, taking advantage of all the activities each season has to offer is sure to keep your days interesting and enjoyable.

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Images by Kaitlyn Steinroeder.


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