Square Spotlight: Ruby Reeves

Square Spotlight: Ruby Reeves

By: Elena Ossoski

Back in the fall, I called up Ruby Reeves, a sophomore here at the University of Mississippi, to talk about her on-trend, yet one of a kind sense of style as she was driving back to Oxford after spending some time at home in New Orleans, Louisiana. 


How would you describe your style?

“My style has some edge to it; I’m typically in a mostly black outfit with a funky pair of pants. Black is definitely my go-to color and a lot of my pieces are vintage since I can always be found at the thrift store that’s down the street from me. All I wear is pants. I don't wear skirts. Although, I will put on the occasional dress, but I'm always in some sort of pants. My roommate has a very girly sense of style and is super into pink right now, so I'm kind of trying out that trend at the moment.”


Where do you get your inspiration?

“Whenever I’m on my computer, I'm always looking at trends and shopping for new ideas and pieces on clothing websites. Even when I’m just sitting down doing my homework, I’m also on a fashion website looking for inspiration. Also, I love turning to Instagram for inspiration. Hailey Bieber has great style, she always looks so cool. I follow girls from Tulane and CU Boulder because they have such unique styles and their outfits always amaze me.”


What does your day-to-day style look like?

“Even if I’m wearing something casual, I like to dress it up or put my own spin on it as much as I can. I don't really like wearing simple shorts and a t-shirt. I like to take the time to plan out a more put-together outfit, even if it may take me a few hours.”


Do you value personal style?

“Definitely. I think that valuing personal style is a positive characteristic to have. I think it's so cool when someone goes against whatever look is the most popular among the herd at the moment; it shows that they have their own sense of style, their own mind and that they actually take time to think about ways they can be a bit bolder.”


What do you think has made the biggest impact on the way you dress?

“While on a trip to New York with some family friends, I got to experience how they style the clothes they already have. I had fashionable friends to look up to and I was able to see that it’s okay to wear something that may be considered “different”. Living in New Orleans is full of people who have their own styles, so I’ve felt a big impact from just walking the streets of the city to people watching and taking it all in.”

How have you grown into your sense of style?

“I was never into fashion when I was young, but I think that my love for it developed when I started my senior year of high school. I started to spend more time with my cousins and good family friends who live in New York. I started getting into going to the thrift shops around me more often and looking up trends and different styles on websites and on social media. I completely switched up my wardrobe. I just learned to like getting dressed differently than everybody else. I reached a point where I didn’t mind what other people thought about what I wear, as long as I like it.”


Are you inspired by any specific eras or decades or people throughout history?

“I have really been into the 2000s and late 90s specifically the naughties though. I like the loose baggy clothing and cool pants that don’t have a skinny leg on them.”

Favorite places to shop? 

“Depop is a go-to of mine. I like to look at this place called Motel Rocks, and Saks and Bloomingdale's too. I spend a lot of time on Magazine Street in New Orleans because they have lots of cool funky stores that are within walking distance from my house. I don't really like online shopping that much — sometimes I'll just go into the Saks by my house to look around, but just get sad that I can’t actually afford anything.”


Do you have a single favorite piece in your closet?

“I have this pinkish, purple velvet jumpsuit that I found at a thrift store with long sleeves that I adore, but I can't find the occasion to wear it. My pride and joy are my silver boots that I wear with anything and everything; they were the last pair at Urban Outfitters and I must have purchased them way back in 2015.”

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Do you have any pieces in your wardrobe that have any sentimental value?

“I have a pair of earrings that are little diamond hearts that my dad gave my mom when they were here at Ole Miss. I think they were dating pretty seriously, and he gave them to her while they were talking about kids. My mom gave me the earrings and told me the story and told me that they said that if they ever had a little girl that they would name her ‘Ruby’. I wear them all the time even though they don't always match my outfits, but I do get a lot of compliments on them.”

Favorite outfit that you've ever worn?

“When I was home for Mardi Gras this past year, I walked outside to find that it was kind of cold, so I put on this old fur coat. I thought it was maybe some cheap little thing from the thrift store, so I ended up wearing it all day. I found out from my mom later that day that it was actually a very nice vintage fur coat, so I felt bad for not wearing it with a bit more caution. I love that coat though; I had just thrown it over some jean shorts with a top and little boots.”

Do you think your childhood has had an impact on the way you dress?

“I look back at pictures and wish my mom had said not to wear certain things. I’ve never been told that something was too short, or that it didn’t look good. I've always had the freedom to wear whatever. My parents always had the attitude of if you love it: wear it.”

What is the biggest investment that you've made in your wardrobe?

“My pant collection is the biggest investment I’ve made. I feel like I’m always saving up for a new pair. I just added a new pair to my ever-growing collection: they’re white with spray-painted hearts on them from Depop. I have three drawers that are just for pants and they are overflowing. That's definitely what I spend most of my money on.”


Keep up with Ruby by following her on Instagram @rubyreeves_!

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Photos by Elizabeth Stephenson.


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