The Best Collegiate Fashion Magazines In The Country
The Best Collegiate Fashion Magazines In The Country
By: Elena Ossoski
What better way to expand your literary horizons than with the wise words and creative musings from our country’s most fashion-forward college students?
The new year has always been another excuse for me to set new goals for the untainted months ahead. Among one of the more attainable resolutions I have dared to make over the years is as follows: read more, because a TV show’s closed captions don’t count as positively stimulating for the mind.
Since the dreaded assigned textbook readings have a bad reputation of being the only words I read on a regular basis, I have found myself searching for more fashion-oriented content to slip into my infrequent free time. For anyone out there who is looking to up their literary as well as fashion intake as I am, look no further: the best collegiate magazines throughout the U.S. are right here. From the East Coast’s most underrated universities down to the upscale campuses that are intertwined within the downtown landscape of Dallas, Texas, I believe that these are the best of the best.
For grade-A graphics and political deep-dives: The University of Alabama’s Alice Magazine.

See their latest posts here and keep up with the magazine here.
For a little bit of everything, Strike Magazine is a collegiate publication that is currently publishing contributions from dozens of universities across the country after beginning founded at Florida State University.

For hardcore editorial pieces paired with musings from the artistically articulated story-telling students: Être Magazine at Mississippi State University.

Read the latest from Être here.
For content that mirrors the likes of ours truly here at Square Magazine: checkout Southern Methodist University’s Look.

Read their latest issue here and visit their blog here.
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Photos belong to their respective owners.