TikTok: What We’ve Gained—and Lost

TikTok: What We’ve Gained—and Lost

By Emma Williams — February 14th, 2024

When TikTok went dark for roughly 12 hours, people went into a panic. Some said they continuously clicked on the app hoping it would work, while others rejoiced over the long-awaited ban. This glimpse into a world without TikTok got us thinking.

After eight years, what effects has this $132 billion app had on us? People’s phones were once boxes on the wall and dancing was done at social events, not on a screen. So what did they do for entertainment? Hobbies like reading books, journaling, playing card games, and baking were a natural way to pass time and are, arguably, the things that make us who we are. They give us purpose and a sense of accomplishment, but do we still have time for them?

A study done by Baylor University said that, “TikTok users reported they were more prone to lose track of time and spend more time than they had intended.” 

Our scrolling on the app often becomes a time warp that we can’t escape, leaving us with less time to try new things. You could doom scroll on TikTok for hours, or you could use the app to discover unique ways to spend your time. Take Emma Greene, editor-in-chief of Square Magazine for instance, she learned how to make sourdough and bake bread by watching videos on the app.

“TikTok has 1,925 billion users globally, with 170 million monthly active users in the United States,” said SEO.AI.

Mental health experts fear the implications of TikTok shortening our attention spans and increasing our inability to focus. When’s the last time you watched a movie and didn’t end up scrolling on your phone?

On the bright side, TikTok is a platform used by people all around the world who have different ideas and ways to create. This is a valuable resource for people to gain inspiration for projects, fashion, books, and increase creativity in general. While TikTok can be harmful; it doesn't have to be. 

TikTok is a space where people can share their opinions, ideas, and hobbies with the world. It is truly up to you to decide how you use social media: Will you let it inspire you, or will you allow it to obstruct you from your creativity and hobbies? 

Keep reading Square Magazine to stay up to date on all things fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. And be sure to follow @um.squaremagazine on Instagram

All images belong to their respective owners. 


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