What’s in My Cart: Modern Home Essentials

What’s in My Cart: Modern Home Essentials

By: Elena Ossoski

The cliché urge to clean out the old and unnecessary to make room for the new and essential has arrived along with this year’s spring season just like clockwork. You can count on spring to bring unpredictable weather, making this season the perfect time to prepare your home for the abundance of sunny days ahead. As the hours of daylight increase with each passing day, so do the opportunities for entertaining. Whether you’re throwing a quaint dinner for your closest group of friends and family or hosting the biggest blowout birthday party of the year, now is the time to give your home the modern revival it deserves.

Keep scrolling to shop how we are refreshing our homes this spring.

For the entryway

Rectangle Jute Doormat 

For your entertaining space

Straight Crystalline Glass

Home improvement has never been so easy. “Add to cart” and “Your order has been delivered” make an impossibly fresh living space possible in three to five business days. Even if you are pinching pennies, a lively home can be achieved with the simple addition of a handful of freshly picked flowers. No matter what your budget may be, a refresh is always attainable.

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All images belong to their respective owners. 


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