Where Are They Now? with Audrey Muse

Where Are They Now? with Audrey Muse

By: Elena Ossoski

Audrey Muse has been nothing but busy since she graduated from the University of Mississippi in the spring of 2019. Although her love does not lie in writing, Muse specialized in magazine publishing as an Integrated Marketing and Communications major at the School of Journalism and New Media to begin her career in the fashion industry. As a Jackson, Mississippi native, Muse rarely opted for weekends at home since the distance turned Ole Miss into a place for her to grow.


Muse grew up immersed in the world of fashion with a mother from Ohio who went on to open a shop in Jackson called the Treehouse Boutique, where she spent her childhood learning about the ins and outs of running a business alongside her mother. She even remembers being at her mother’s store more frequently than her own house, finding herself constantly consumed by the enchanting allure of the fashion world. Her father, who grew up in Arkansas, worked in the fashion industry as a young buyer before continuing his career in the tech field. Her love of fashion runs through her veins as an undeniable force of nature, so it came as no surprise that Muse’s first move post-grad was to the heart of the magic: New York City. 

While adjusting to life as a New Yorker, Muse worked tirelessly with recruiters to search for job openings, interviewing anywhere and everywhere. Soon enough, though, the job offers came as “an incredible whirlwind,” Muse says. 

Given the opportunity to work in the public relations department for Louis Vuitton was this fashion girl’s dream job. After working as a temporary employee for over four months, Muse was offered a permanent position as an integral part of the public relations team that currently overlooks the company’s celebrity clientele relationships. Leaving behind co-workers that she loved--and what may appear as a perfect job offer--Muse reveals the less glamorous side of working in the fashion industry. 

Muse reflects on late nights spent working hours after leaving the office and feeling as if she was continually trying to climb a corporate ladder. Ridden with sleep deprivation and a lack of interest in public relations as a long-term career path, Muse fought to remain grateful for the experiences she could take with her as she moved onto her next adventure.


After gracefully declining her offer at Louis Vuitton, Muse quickly moved to her next job at Cinq à Sept where she became the wholesale assistant. As a part of the wholesale team, Muse spent her time working alongside big-name department stores such as Nordstrom and Bergdorf Goodman. Once the Coronavirus pandemic flipped the fashion world upside-down, Muse temporarily moved back to Jackson where she and her team had difficulty communicating remotely. Unfortunately, the entire team, including Muse, experienced a prolonged furlough period. The increasingly stress-inducing uncertainty of her employment situation led Muse to find calamity by returning to what she loves most: fashion.

While in quarantine, Muse used the extra time on her hands to build a brand from the ground up. By Audrey Muse grew from simple roots, turning hand-drawn doodles into tees that bring joy into any look. Since her brand was only in its beginning stages, Muse sought out Marina Purcell, the owner of Aloha Marina. Muse was drawn to the electric prints and vibrant hues that defined the brand, so she took that initiative to reach out to Purcell in hopes of securing a job while still having the freedom to nurture her own business ventures.

Muse knew that Marina was a one-woman company, so she drafted a business proposal that showcased everything that she brought to the table. As a small company born out of a hobby, Purcell wasn’t necessarily looking to add another employee, but Muse’s proposal blew her away, and she hired her on the spot for a job that did not exist until Muse brought it to her attention. While working for Aloha Marina, Muse can develop her brand which has evolved from the basic tees that were launched over the summer.


By Audrey Muse has grown from an endless source of inspiration. As a contributor to the growth and success of Treehouse Boutique, Muse learned the importance of appreciating a breadth of styles which has led her to draw inspiration from an array of looks, even if they may contrast her style. 

 “I feel I get inspired by things or people I see on the street,” Muse says. “For example, the other day, I liked the color of a girl's pants--they were just the cutest shade of bubblegum pink. Sometimes, I'll see a shoe, and it will inspire a design for a tee--not because I want to draw a shoe on it, but because I like the way the shoe is shaped. It’s the little things that I see that spark my ideas.”


The brand is fully intended to suit everyday wear and the hustle and bustle of everyday life, no matter where you live. Muse reflects on her frustration with the fashion industry’s term, “ready-to-wear,” which is thrown around as if everyone has the budget and lifestyle to wear runway looks on a day-to-day basis. The goal of By Audrey Muse is to create pieces that can be on-trend but will stay classic.

 With the encouragement and continuous support from her loved ones, Muse strives to continue to produce pieces that are going to last and make your wardrobe fun. Her new signature bandanas are multi-purposeful, and they add vibrancy to the simple, modern-day wardrobe staple that unfortunately is the mandatory face covering. The effortless joy that radiates through her pieces reflect her sense of style, which Muse says is something that she could never truly put into words.

“It's different every single day,” Muse says. “I get inspired by everyone, all the people around me.”


Her presence is like sunshine and her work ethic, genuineness, and true love for fashion is nothing but aspirational. Keep up: Audrey Muse is taking the world by storm.

To learn more about Audrey Muse, check out her Instagram and shop her brand at byaudreymuse.com.

Stick around! Check out our other alumni spotlights on www.umsquaremagazine.com and follow us on Instagram at @um.squaremagazine.

Photos are from Audrey Muse and Alex Duckworth.


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