The 2021 Nail Trend You Need, According to Your Major

The 2021 Nail Trend You Need, According to Your Major

By: Addie Flasck

After a year of having to surrender our manicure appointments, it is officially time to show the press on acrylics and at-home gel kits to the door. Nail salons are now in full swing and following the intermission, they are not holding back. This year’s nail trends are eye-catching, optimistic, and the perfect showcase for your personality. Pastels? Check. Subtle twists? Check. Ambitious designs? Check. Yes, the possibilities are overwhelming, but do not fret! We did not just round up the top six hottest nail trends of summer 2021, we have done the guesswork for you. Below are the best nail trends you should definitely try this season, inspired entirely by your major.


Abstract nail art may be the best thing to happen to 2021 thus far. The unapologetic expression it radiates can only be compared to that of a graphic design student. They are witty, beam creative energy, and their Pinterest boards are *chef’s kiss.* The only acceptable manicure to describe this major would be a psychedelic combination of abstract squiggles and cheeky checkered patterns, preferably in hues as vibrant as a design student’s personality. Oh, and do not forget the chunky acrylic rings to accompany them


My admiration for the education students of the world knows no bounds. The best listener and mom friend of your group is most likely an education major. Good teachers are the heart of our communities, and they radiate a genial, love-centric soul that is hard to find anywhere else. I would be remiss to compare this major to any trend besides an endearing heart manicure.


Law students are the go-to friends you cannot  live without. When all else fails, you can count on a law major the same way you can count on a simple pink manicure. It is classic, feminine, and sophisticated, like Elle Woods. Law majors are dependable and if I could only bring one nail color to a deserted island, it would be a nude. “Because whoever said orange is the new pink was seriously disturbed.”


Computer science is a catch-all major. STEM students are any combination of bright, smart, creative, and ambitious. They are all about never settling for less than they could have, and they are adaptable to suit the likes of anyone in the room. The same could be said of a pastel color mixed manicure. Why pick just one nail color when you can have one of each? 


Majoring in marketing requires a delicate balance between originality and sticking to a script. Marketing students exude chic, effortless ingenuity. Before college, these were the middle school friends you implored to help make your school uniform look cute. A colored french manicure embodies the art of following the rules without sacrificing expressiveness. That is why this look belongs to the marketing majors. A future in PR takes someone who knows how to turn heads, but also recognizes where to draw the line. Literally.


What nail art would encompass a philosophy major if not the coveted Yin & Yang manicure? Aside from being an actual allusion to ancient Chinese philosophy, the symbol perfectly encapsulates philosophy students as they are the ultimate balance between bold and gentle, honest and compassionate: Yin & Yang. Philosophy students are the ones that tell it as it is, then give you a shoulder to cry on. Unfortunately, we cannot all be as diplomatic as philosophy majors, but having a set of Yin & Yang acrylics might be a close second.

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