Trends I’m Trying While No One is Watching

Trends I’m Trying While No One is Watching

By: Madeline Moore

As I sit here in my mom's office, hoping the sweatshirt I have grabbed off the floor and put on for the past three days in a row smells okay; I find myself thinking about an enjoyable activity I can come up with to try and be entertained. I have had trouble finding the motivation to do little things every day that used to make me happy. A world without my daily routine has been a scary world. I started to think about if others feel this way too, am I the only one agitated with the idea of trying to create a new normal when I deeply miss my old?

I ended up at a crossroads; I could keep digging myself deeper into a hole of boredom or, I could come up with some ideas to start enjoying myself from home. I came up with the idea to try out some trends I've always wanted to take a shot at but never had the guts or time to do so. Finding the motivation to come up with some ideas, follow through with them, and then sit down and write about them was a task within itself. But once I forced myself to get off the couch and stop binge-watching New Girl for the fifth time, I found myself enjoying the activities. If you are in a similar situation at home, I hope this will help spark some creative ideas. 

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1. Spring Nails

I have seen girls with their nails painted each a different bright color and loved it. I always stick with neutral colored nails, so they match whatever I am wearing. I thought what a better time to try out this trend than now. This was perfect for spring, especially with nail salons being closed. I had fun painting each of my nails a different fun, bright color, and creating a color scheme along the way.


2. Tie-Dye Masks 

The governor of Colorado announced on April 6th that all residents were highly encouraged to wear face masks for all essential activities when leaving the house. Masks are in such high demand right now that there have been multiple articles posted online about how to make your own. Of course, there were instructions posted explaining how to make a mask that did not require sewing, but I, having no clue how to sew, decided that I was going to make the mask that did require you to sew. After countless hours of frustratedly pricking myself with a sewing needle, I completed my mask. After putting the product together, I decided to add tie-dye so that it would be cute and trendy. When I finally had the completed product, I felt like I had done something that benefited not only myself but the community as well. 


3. Dye Your Hair

I have seen multiple posts of girls dying their hair pink. My mom never let me dye my hair fun colors when I was younger, so I thought now would be the perfect time to fulfill my punk pink hair childhood dreams. I did not want to leave my home, so I took a look at what I had around. I found red Jello and looked up how to dye my hair with Jello. Forty-Five minutes later, I was washing a conditioner and Jello concoction out of my hair. I only wanted to do the front framing pieces of my hair; I was not trying to get too out of control. My hair dying results were not what I expected, but now I have very faintly dyed pieces of pink hair. I am happy to say my childhood dreams have subsequently been made.


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