Which Morning Routine is Right for You?

Which Morning Routine is Right for You?

By: Katie Kerrigan

Morning routines are essential for staying productive and organized. Having a plan for the morning can help get the day started off on a positive note and create a space for some much needed self care. Scheduling time for exercise, mindfulness practices, eating a full breakfast, and hobbies is perfect for those looking to improve their work-life balance. 

For those with early mornings, it can be tempting to roll out of bed and rush to commitments. However, making a habit of this risks putting overall health and wellness on the back-burner. Morning routines can be customized for every type of lifestyle and sleep schedule. They can focus on peace and mindfulness or build extra time for homework and emails. However the time is filled, scheduling even an hour for breakfast and a shower can help make the day feel smoother. 

The Student-Friendly Exercise Routine

For those with class or meetings early in the morning, waking up at six is a great way to make time for exercise or mindfulness. Start by waking up and making the bed, brushing your teeth, and changing into workout clothes. This will help signal the brain that it is time to start the day. Working out for around thirty minutes in the morning can ease stress and increase energy. Remember to leave enough time to eat a full breakfast. 

The 5 AM Routine

Busy schedules often mean that time for self-care is limited. Waking up around five can carve out personal time and start the day on a positive note. Dedicate a half hour or more to movement, whether it is intense cardio or gentle yoga. This routine offers more room for those who like to take their time eating breakfast or getting ready for the day. For any extra time, consider incorporating ten minutes or more for writing down a plan for the day, journaling, reading, or listening to a podcast. Not only can these things stimulate productivity, they can also teach new skills or create new interests. 

The Peaceful Morning Routine

For anyone who does not describe themselves as a morning person, having a morning routine does not have to mean forcing an early wake-up time. Instead, try waking up around eight. Follow up with yoga or meditation for some mindfulness and movement without the intensity of a full work out. Taking some quiet time away from screens to read, journal, or listen to music is great for a peaceful start to the day. 

The Office-Friendly Routine

It can be difficult to find time for interests or self-care when working a full time job. After-work fatigue often hoards evening free time, which can make self care feel like an extra chore. Having a set morning schedule ensures enough time and energy is available for personal wellness without added stress. Try a wake up time of six-thirty, with about fifteen minutes to make the bed and change. Allow around a half hour for movement, as well as time to eat a full breakfast. Adding in an extra ten minutes to create a to-do list or journal can make the workday feel less hectic. 

One of the most daunting things about creating a personal morning routine is the commitment it takes to form a new habit. Try setting out an outfit the night before and taking care of tasks like cleaning and packing a lunch ahead of time. Meal prepping is also a great way to streamline the weekdays and get the best out of weekly grocery runs. Some other things to include in a morning routine can be doing a facemask, lighting a candle, sitting outside, and taking a screen break. 

However it is spent, making the time for self care can ease feelings of burnout and add an extra bit of positivity to the day. For more wellness tips and to stay up to date with Square Magazine, be sure to follow us on Instagram @um.squaremagazine

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