Fool-Proof Tips for Getting Ready for Your Next Big Event

Fool-Proof Tips for Getting Ready for Your Next Big Event

By: Katie Kerrigan

Whether it is a first date, a New Year’s Eve party, a wedding, or even a red carpet, everyone can relate to the pre-event jitters. The week before is often an anxious one, filled with last-minute shopping, experimenting with hair and makeup, and freaking out about what presents to buy or food to bring. 

Not to point out the obvious, but spending a week (or longer) freaking out about having a good time will probably prevent you from having a good time. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement, but focusing too much on the details can prevent you from being present and enjoying yourself. 

Instead of turning your closet inside out for the fifth time this week, consider channeling your energy into some more constructive ways to take care of yourself while still preparing for the big day. 

If you are feeling especially worried about your event, plan for what you can, but do not go overboard. Pick out your outfit, your general hair or makeup look, anything you wish to bring as a gift, a rough schedule, etc. Having an idea of what to expect might make you feel better, but remember to be present and enjoy the moment. 

Parties come with a lot of what-ifs, but even the most put-together person on earth cannot plan ahead for everything. When you catch yourself worrying you might spill food on your outfit or break a heel, focus on another way to direct that energy. 

Getting some exercise is a great way to calm an anxious mind. It can help you burn up some of that nervous energy so you can focus on the important things. Whether it is going for a walk, doing some yoga, or sweating through some intense cardio, moving your body can help distract you from a stressful day. 

It is also important to make sure you are getting enough sleep. The last thing you want at your big event is to look drained and exhausted. Falling asleep and waking up at the same time consistently will help you build a routine and ensure you are getting the rest you need. 

Another key factor to feeling your best is your diet. Eating enough is essential to maintaining energy and motivation, but skipping meals can become easy with a hectic schedule. Make sure you are getting everything you need, including drinking enough water throughout the day. 

Be careful if you are wanting to experiment with a new makeup look or hairstyle. Practice your look before the big day to make sure you like it. If trying out new products, consider testing them out beforehand to make sure they work for you. 

Make time to do something nice for yourself. This could be getting a facial, getting your nails done, ordering your favorite takeout, or even something as simple as setting aside time to watch your favorite movie. Listening to your body and giving yourself time to wind down is an integral part of managing stress, even when you feel like you should be doing something else. 

Big events are stressful and try as we might to appear graceful or collected, it can be hard not to worry about every little thing. As long as you stay mindful of your thoughts and give your body the tools it needs, your next event is guaranteed to go smoothly. 

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 Photo by Akilah Frye.


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