Fun Ways to Spice Up a Night In

Fun Ways to Spice Up a Night In

By: Katie Kerrigan

Everyone should be familiar with the art of the slumber party. Matching pajamas, cozy blankets, facemasks, a sappy romantic comedy, or remarkably cheesy horror film – the list goes on. As you get older, slumber parties tend to get replaced with going out on the weekends. Whether it is grabbing food with your significant other or seeing a new band with your friends, the draw of having a change of scenery after a stressful week is always there. 

While we may not always want to face it, going out every weekend can seriously eat through your budget, and there are some nights when the idea of leaving home makes you want to curl up and ignore the outside world forever. There are also Saturday nights when you fall somewhere between wanting to be social and not wanting to change out of your sweatpants, and for those nights, an old-fashioned slumber party may be just what you need.

We are here to tell you that slumber parties are not something you age out of, but something that ages with you. After a hectic week, we say staying in is the new going out. 

An easy go-to for a fun night with friends is hosting a movie night. Movie nights can be as simple or elaborate as you want. To make things more interesting, ask each friend to pick a movie ahead of time and bring a snack that relates to the plot. They can either present their snack before the movie starts, or you can write each movie title on a card and have everyone try to guess which snack goes with which movie. 

Another easy way to save some money and spend time with friends is to host a dinner night. Pick a few main recipes to focus on, and ask each friend to bring a few things. Then put on some music or your favorite TV show and spend the night cooking together. An added plus of staying in: there is no reason dinner cannot mean milkshakes, ice cream sundaes, or cinnamon rolls. 

If you are looking for a fun, non-board game challenge, set your sights on building the ultimate blanket fort. You are never too old to make your living room look like a wrecked department store. Use flashlights or fairy lights to light up the inside and drag in as many pillows and blankets as you can to create a giant, comfy cave for the night. 

If the last week was particularly stressful, everyone loves a good self-care night. Light some candles, put on your favorite guilty pleasure movie or TV show, and do some skincare or paint your nails. Anything you have been putting off for yourself this week, focus on it tonight, even if that is just relaxing and catching up with friends. 

For a no-screen kind of night, there are tons of options. Spice up your typical game night by creating your own board game together. If you are in the mood to break out some art supplies, host an arts and crafts night and give yourself space to have fun and get creative. Hold a show-and-tell once everyone is done with their crafts so your friends can show off their work. 

With a little thought and creativity, a night in can be just as fun as a night out. Your wallet and your social battery will thank you. If you are more on the sentimental side, take a group picture every time you host a night in. After a while, you and your friends will have albums full of memories to look back on. 

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