How to Beat Seasonal Burnout 

How to Beat Seasonal Burnout 

By: Katie Kerrigan 

As November looms around the corner, the weather steadily grows colder. With school and work ramping up before the holidays, this time of year can be especially stressful. Daylight savings means sunlight is scarce, and it can be hard to find time for self-care as the days begin to feel shorter. 

Having a clear routine can help keep your days organized. Try setting a schedule that includes waking up and going to sleep at the same time, holding consistent meal times, and mapping out an hour or so to wind down before bed. Adding structure to your day-to-day helps balance obligations while setting time aside for personal necessities. 

With limited sunlight, it can be difficult to maintain productivity throughout the day. Waking up before the sun rises can feel discouraging, and getting to those last few emails or assignments in the evening seems impossible when it gets dark so early. Rather than trying to cross off everything on your to-do list, try listing things in terms of priority. Focus on the big tasks that need immediate attention, and then work down from there.

Exercise can often fall to the back burner during the colder months as well. Making time for movement and mindfulness can feel like extra work, but in the long run, can help significantly with stress. For days that feel too cold to run outside or go to the gym, at-home workouts like yoga or pilates are a great alternative. 

Incorporating mindfulness into self-care time is another great way to manage feelings of burnout. Reading, journaling, and meditation are a few ways to map out time for yourself. Listening to music, cooking, or watching a movie are other great ways to wind down after a long day. 

It is okay to feel overwhelmed this time of year and it is important to listen to your body and take time away when necessary. Burnout is natural and happens to everyone at some point, but it can also be a sign to slow down and take care of yourself. 

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Cover graphic by Elena Ossoski.


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