Niche Hobbies for the New Year

Niche Hobbies for the New Year

By: Hailey Layne

Life is too short for boring New Year resolutions and tired hobbies. The lack of passion in our goal-setting is a source of failure in our personal performance. Being a truly fulfilled individual involves physical, mental, and emotional stimulation through the activities in our daily lives. If you find yourself needing a reprieve from the office monotony or your dull routine, try picking an area of interest for the year (or each month if you are feeling ambitious) and dive into it. There is a rich history behind all human behavior that can sometimes be more intriguing than the activity or behavior itself. Keep reading to discover what we are up to in the New Year. 


Harvard Health found that brain plasticity increases when our brains are exposed to mentally stimulating activities like puzzles, math problems, word games, and drawing. Newly formed brain connections from these activities can prevent future brain cell loss or degeneration. Even though trying something new can be frustrating or daunting, complex learning fosters feelings of self-efficacy which promotes healthy self-esteem.

Suggested products: New York paint by number kit and Inside the Museum Puzzle


Ancient civilizations have been shown to use hooks and yarn to create materials for their communities for centuries. The origin of crochet has been linked to Chinese needlework, Arab trade routes, and indigenous tribes in South America. It is likely that there were many styles of crochet evolving separately. Crochet allowed for great creative leaps as creators feared design plagiarism and would develop different stitches. These dexterous activities allowed individuals to learn from one another as well as create a community bonded over a task. Crocheting and sewing are accessible regardless of age and can create multi-generational relationships even today. Learning how to sew and repair clothes can have unintended positive consequences for the environment; patching clothes or making alterations to extend the life of an outfit is the basis of sustainable fashion. 

Suggested Products: beginner crochet kit and daisy needlework kit


According to Oxford languages, “geocaching involves hunting for and finding a hidden object by the means of GPS coordinates posted on a website.” Geocaching brings together the best parts of technology and a traditional scavenger hunt. Many cities and towns across the world have active geocaching networks. If geocaching seems too far out of reach, a traditional scavenger hunt with your friends also works. 

Rock Climbing 

2023 could be the year of rock climbing.  Indoor climbing facilities in the U.S. experienced growth of 8.24% in 2021 which is higher than the two previous years combined. It is expected that the Olympics in 2024 will also increase consumer interest in bouldering and climbing. Ole Miss students can utilize the indoor rock climbing wall at the South Campus Recreation Center with a $20 climbing pass for the semester. For a more organic rock climbing experience, outdoor climbers should look into safe climbing locations and proper equipment use. 

Whether you choose to pick from our recommendations or blaze your own trail, remember to find the joy in your activities. There can be contentment in the mundane for those who look. Learning about our daily tasks can create gratitude for the small moments. 

To stave off the boredom, keep reading Square Magazine throughout the year and follow us on Instagram

All images belong to their respective owners. 


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