Meet Our 2022-23 Directors

Meet Our 2022-23 Directors

By: Elena Ossoski

Thinking of applying to join Square Magazine? Here’s your chance to learn more about this year’s directors!

Briley Rakow: Copy Editor

Briley is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major from Chicago who is spending her summer as a camp counselor at Strong River Camp and Farm. She is obsessed with New Girl, diet coke, and online shopping for clothes she likely cannot afford.

“I’m looking for new members with a passion for writing and creating new things. Square Magazine is all about highlighting innovative ideas and collaborating with people who share the same interests, so it is super important for our members to be ready to work together to come up with beautiful new content!”

Emily Bone: Digital Director

Emily is a senior studying French and Integrated Marketing Communications with a specialization in Magazine Publishing. She is spending the summer in Dallas, Texas working as a production intern for D Magazine. She loves fashion design, her record player, and drives to Sardis to watch the sunset.

“I am looking for team members with a penchant for design and aesthetics. If you like spending your time playing around on applications in Abode Cloud or Canva, submit your application! Creating for digital platforms is a rewarding job and would allow you to secure a community-driven creative outlet. I look forward to meeting all the future applicants!”

Sheridan Mark: Creative Director

Sheridan is a rising senior with a love for all things colorful and new. She is an artist ( on Instagram!) who loves to thrift and style her friends. 

“For my creative team, I’m looking for experimental, fun individuals who are not afraid to put themselves out there. I am constantly looking for inspiration, and want to work with innovative visionaries who can help create the most imaginative works yet.”

Kaitlyn Steinroeder: Creative Planner

Kaitlyn is a rising sophomore from Raleigh, North Carolina. She is a Film Production major with the hopes of someday being a creative director in the industry. She is very interested in photography and would love to release photography books in the future. Kaitlyn is inspired by vintage things, culture, and the human experience, and she strives to tell relevant stories through her work.

“I am so excited for this role, I cannot wait to see what we create this year and watch the magazine grow.”

Haley Clift: Social Media Director

“I have been a part of Square Magazine since the beginning. My favorite part is brainstorming for new content ideas. I’m excited to bring that to social and strategize as a team. I’m looking for members who are passionate about digital media and upcoming trends. Someone who loves to create, contribute, and learn would be such a fun member on the social media team!”

Tessa McLane: Social Media Director

“Square Magazine is all about expressing your creativity and collaborating with an amazing team. In a new member, I’m looking for someone who not only wants to grow our social media, but a new member that has ideas to make us stand out among the rest. Haley and I want you to be committed to this team, because we love what we have made.”

Millie Conn: Casting Director

Millie is a senior from Richmond, Virginia studying Integrated Marketing Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations. She’s looking forward to living in Dallas this summer to work in a showroom at the Dallas Market Center. Last summer, she worked as an assistant event planner in Charleston, South Carolina.

“I am so excited to be working closely with the business team members this year! I am looking for any new members to the magazine to be enthusiastic, passionate, inventive, and dedicated. Square has easily been the most joyful part of my experience so far at the university. I will also be scouting out models all year who are creative and committed. If that’s you, then please reach out to the magazine!”

Liz Burnet: Business Director

Liz is a senior from Fernandina Beach, Florida majoring in Business Marketing with an Entrepreneurship minor and specializing in Sales. She has loved being a part of Square this past year and is excited to now lead the business team.

“I want people who are go-getters and are not afraid to think outside the box. No idea is a bad idea in my book! This year the business team is going to focus on expanding our brand in the community and help Square exceed its potential through networking and special events!”

Molly Roberts: Editor-in-Chief

Molly is a senior Integrated Marketing Communications major with a specialization in Fashion Promotion and Media. She is looking forward to taking her fashion courses at her study abroad program in Paris, France for the fall 2022 semester.

Elena Ossoski: Editor-in-Chief

Elena is a junior studying Elementary Education and Integrated Marketing Communications with a Public Relations specialization. Outside of the world of fashion, she loves sharing meals with friends and family, finding new music, and reading anything by Joan Didion.

“I could not be more excited to start my second year as an Editor-in-Chief. Our team has allowed the magazine to grow so much over this last year, but I know that this progress is just the beginning for us. Square is a place for fashion lovers who work hard and work well with others. Our applications for the new year are now open!”

All applications are due June 1st, 2021 at 5 p.m. C.S.T.

For more updates, be sure to check and follow us on Instagram @um.squaremagazine!

All photos belong to the respective Square Magazine directors.


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