Square Magazine Staff Picks: Our Favorite Summer Workouts

Square Magazine Staff Picks: Our Favorite Summer Workouts

By: Elena Ossoski

The scorching temperatures can oddly become a motivator for getting in a workout: if you’re already sweaty, why not sweat some more? Now that the term wellness is no longer fitness junkie jargon, getting your daily exercise is not difficult. The difficulty lies in choosing one workout out of what can feel like thousands of options. 

Lucky for you, the always reliable Square Magazine team has weighed in on the matter. Keep reading to learn more about our team’s favorite summer workouts for staying fit and feeling good.

Hot Yoga

Sweat it with a Shavasana or two. 

Chloe Ting

Quickly gaining popularity during the early quarantine days of the pandemic, Ting’s workouts are free and easily accessible through YouTube


Low-impact and effective, pilates is always a crowd favorite.

Ashley Eckhoff Fitness

Eckhoff’s waist toning workouts are available on demand.

An Outdoor Run

Nothing beats a runner’s high on a sunny day.

Tracy Anderson Method

Dynamic, hip-hop-inspired, full-body exercises using little to no weight.

Power Walking

Great for days when you just need to clear your head.

Spin Classes

A classic choice for daily cardio. 

No matter what you choose to do to stay healthy this summer, just do it for yourself. 

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Photo by Elizabeth Stephenson.


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