Meet Our 2021-22 Directors

Meet Our 2021-22 Directors

By: Lucy Cavett, Elena Ossoski

Thinking of applying to join Square Magazine? Here’s your chance to learn more about the directors and what they’re looking for in a team member!

Eleanor Hoover: Copy Editor

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Eleanor is a senior who spent the last semester studying abroad in Madrid, Spain studying English, Journalism, and Spanish. She is currently spending the summer in New York City working for a marketing agency on the brand partnerships team. 

“In a new member, I am looking for someone who wants to capitalize on their strengths and can recognize their weaknesses in order to improve on them. You should be open to constructive criticism, but never afraid to make your voice heard. And of course, be ready to bring new ideas and passion to Square!”

Haley Clift: Digital Copy Editor 

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Haley is a junior who has been working at The Scout Guide for Memphis and Oxford for just under two years as an assistant to the editor where she manages the social media, creates graphics, and uploads stories.

“I’m looking for team members who are positive, creative, passionate, and driven! It’s so fun when we can get together as a team and bounce ideas off each other. I think it’s important for our team members to keep up with the current trends and events in the fashion world. I can’t wait for another fabulous year with Square Magazine!”

Nicole James: Digital Director


Nicole is a Dallas-Fort Worth native who is addicted to watching Friends and loves a good coffee! 

“I’m looking for people who are driven and eager to learn about the digital world of Square Magazine. If you are a ‘geek’ who is addicted to figuring out the bug in your code or a designer that loves pushing the boundaries to create the next cutting-edge graphic, this is the team for you!”

Isabelle McLeod: Creative Planner

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Isabelle is a rising senior with a contagious smile! As Creative Planner, she will be facilitating the entire team’s creative ideas and will be coordinating all of our venues/locations, scheduling, casting needs & more!

“A person on the creative team needs to be all in! I’m looking for someone who is going to be hands-on, inventive, and bubbling with original ideas for content!” 

Dawson Wilson: Director Of Photography 

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Dawson is a senior Integrated Marketing Communications major who is studying abroad in Italy this summer -- so look out for cool photos -- and he has watched over 40 SEASONS of Real Housewives.

“I started photography when I was 18 and have not set my camera down since then! I have been on Square Magazine since it started during my sophomore year, and I am so excited to hold a leadership position this year.” 

“In a new or returning photographer, I want people who are passionate about photography and who are willing to receive advice and pass that knowledge along to their peers. I’m looking for someone who is able to formulate fashionable and visually pleasing photoshoots surrounding important topics as well as step outside of their comfort zone in order to get the shot!”

Jacie Unland: Creative Director

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Jacie is a senior studying Integrated Marketing Communications with a specialization in fashion promotion and media. She is working this summer at Kendra Scott as a stylist and assistant event planner. 

“In a new member I am looking for someone who is hard-working, reliable, and a go-getter who is always challenging themselves. You should be passionate about creating new content and bringing fresh concepts to the table while also working alongside the team to meet our common goals. It’s going to be a great year!”

Kylie Cockrell: Social Media Director

Kylie is a senior Integrated Marketing Communications major with an emphasis in Fashion Promotion and Media. She recently moved to Santa Rosa Beach, Florida to waitress in a local restaurant while still owning and running her online store @shopblondeboomerang

“I couldn’t be more excited about our team this year because I think everyone is so creative in their own unique ways. I am so excited to work with Molly and create some new and different content for the social media pages! Seeing how passionate everyone is about their roles is so inspiring, and I cannot wait to see what we create for Square!”

Molly Roberts: Social Media Director

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Molly is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major who is looking forward to completing her specialization in fashion promotion and media. She recently completed a fashion internship this summer in New Orleans. She loves thrift shopping and is currently studying French!

“I’m looking for someone who isn’t afraid to be themselves and bring new ideas to the magazine. A new team member needs to be a good communicator because working and collaborating with other team members is crucial.”

Kate Abraham: Business Director

Kate is a senior from Oxford, Mississippi majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications with a Business minor and a specialization in Fashion Promotion and Media.

“I’m currently living in Dallas and working as a buying intern at Saint Bernard (@shopsaintbernard) & a sales assistant at a showroom at Dallas Market Center (@pammartinandco)!”

“I am so excited to meet all of the new business team members this year! I’m looking for those who are strong go-getters and are always thinking of ways to better Square. I want us all to have the common goal of expanding our reach to viewers and readers and to be dedicated to making Square as great as it can be!”

Elena Ossoski: Editor-in-Chief

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Elena is a sophomore who is working towards a degree in Education as well as Integrated Marketing Communications with a focus in Public Relations. She’s spending her summer working at the same local boutique where she worked full-time during her gap year before starting school at Ole Miss.

“Square already has been one of the most exciting and impactful parts of my time at Ole Miss. I feel extremely honored to have the chance to work as Editor-in-Chief alongside Lucy as we bring our dream team together!”

“Tenacity is non-negotiable - we want individuals who are not only willing but wanting to put in the extra mile. Square is a team, so you have to be able to show us that you want to consistently give it your all for the benefit of our entire team.”

“Lucy and I have already started working with our directors this summer in order to ensure that this year’s staff is the best of the best. If you’re a go-getter with an eye for fashion and design, this is the place for you - you won’t regret applying!”

Lucy Cavett: Editor-in-Chief

Lucy is a senior majoring in Accounting here at the university.

“While to some it may seem pretty odd I chose to major in something that seems unrelated to my creative interests, I would argue that they are pretty intertwined. I also want to make a point that, no matter your major, if you feel a connection to this magazine, do not hesitate to apply!”

“I am SUPER excited to be an Editor-in-Chief for a second year! This magazine has been the piece of my college experience I felt like I was missing since my freshman year. I needed a creative outlet and a place where I could chat with individuals that had the same interests and career dreams I did. Square is a place for those aspiring to create content while connecting with students across campus as well as individuals in the fashion and beauty industry across the country.”

“Here at Square Magazine, we have big dreams… well, huge dreams actually. We cannot reach our goals without dedicated, detail orientated, engaged, and excited students on our team! If you consider yourself an “outside-the-box thinker” - or outside the Square if you will - then what’s stopping you?”

All applications are due August 2nd, 2021 at midnight C.S.T.

For more updates, be sure to check and follow us on Instagram @um.squaremagazine!

All photos belong to the respective Square Magazine directors.


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