The Art of Making a Bed

The Art of Making a Bed

By: Sophie Smith

To consider the act of straightening bed linens an art may seem strange, but the task unveils more personality and creativity than meets the surface.

There is scientific data that proves that making your bed in the morning prompts you to be more productive. Creating a sense of accomplishment at the start of a new day can jumpstart your motivation to complete things on your to-do list. 

A made bed is visually appealing and displays structure, which works as positive reinforcement. A person who does not make their bed before heading out for the day may feel as though their mind is as jumbled as their intertwined sheets. Similarly to how gloom can disable the motivation for personal upkeep, someone’s room lacking tidiness can be a projection of burnout or a negative mindset.

The way in which a bed is prepared says a lot about who is sleeping in it. If the bed is shared among two people, certain accommodations may be in place for maximum comfort. The Scandinavian Sleep Method is a style of housekeeping that incorporates two duvet covers, which allows each person to regulate their own body heat. This method also eliminates the top sheet to save time making the bed by removing a step altogether.

The most customizable element of making a bed is the choice of what the mattress is dressed in. Sheets vary in fabrics such as silk, cotton, and satin. Silk sheets are notorious for keeping out heat and benefiting hair and skin health. Cotton and satin materials are practical in colder seasons or if someone prefers thicker layers.

Patterns and colors of bed sheets transform the aesthetic of a bedroom. All white bedding creates a chic, clean feel yet would be impractical to a person prone to spillage. Mixing patterns and colors of linens expresses freedom and nonconformity, but to some would seem incohesive. This is where individual taste comes into play. The decision of material of a set of sheets coincides with the choice between a duvet, comforter, or quilt. The color and pattern of whichever top layer you choose should agree with the logic of matching or mismatched sheets.

Throw pillows and blankets add dimension to the presentation of a finished bed. Some let the mismatched sheets speak for themselves, while others add color to their all white finish with accent pillows and coverings. A bed is something that people can always go home to that houses dreams and comfort. To make a bed is not just a chore, but an art.

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