Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

By Elena Ossoski

Mother Nature plays the most charming tricks on the mind when spring comes around again. The colors of the buds and the blue of the sky somehow appear nuanced to the naked eye. The birth of the season makes it feel as if the light is shining brighter than ever before. Without waxing too dramatic, sometimes the return of spring evokes a sense that the changes are more than environmental.

While the ecosystem rejuvenates itself, it is arguably a given that the itch to clean out your wardrobe and revamp your style identity feels second nature. The extra hours of sunlight naturally give us more energy to tend to the menial task of decluttering which many of us happily neglect all winter long. For habitual shoppers, the wardrobe can often become a daunting place when it comes time to analyze the desirability and utility of our surroundings in the spring cleaning process. 

On the other hand, there is an inexplicable lightness that comes from getting rid of garments that no longer suit us. Whether we let them go due to their size or silhouette, some pieces go on to live better lives when they find a new home. Today’s user-friendly resale platforms make it simpler to give your previously cherished items a second life. 

The vacancies allow for exploration in your personal style. Wardrobes cannot evolve if there is no room for them to grow.

Happy cleaning!

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Images belong to Elena Ossoski


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