The French Lifestyle as Told by Emily in Paris

The French Lifestyle as Told by Emily in Paris

By: Emma Greene

French culture has an air of sophistication and nonchalance that many aspire to achieve. From lunches to skincare, France provides a unique yet welcomed culture shock. Although drastically different from that of the United States, its unique culture holds values one may easily emulate in their day-to-day routine no matter where they are. Inspired by the release of Netflix comedy Emily in Paris’s third season, here is how we will be embracing a more French way of living in 2023.

Americans know the value of authenticity, but the French take this concept to a new level. From personal style to airing complaints without regret, French culture champions truth to oneself over any other. Bonding over a mutual dislike or something “ringarde,” as Emily in Paris character Pierre Cadault would say, is still bonding.

When coupled with modesty, authenticity – even when negative – can lead to meaningful connection,a greater sense of self, and stronger relationships.

That is, unless authenticity requires one to brag. While authenticity is important, humility and relatability take the cake when it comes to social interaction. Modest people are easy to relate to and more enjoyable to be around. However, personal achievement should still be celebrated when necessary.

Whether for the sake of modesty or to maintain a strong work-life balance, money talk is taboo in France, as is work talk outside of work. 

As Emily quickly learned, the French famously embody a culture of “working to live,” protecting their time off as much as their real job. This value is seen on a daily basis in the form of longer mealtimes, especially lunches, and on a weekly basis with Sundays “à la Française.”

Sundays are reserved for friends and family only, unless one chooses to attend a church service. The French are far more likely to set aside time to contemplate, wander, people watch, and decompress. Weaving moments of pause into one’s daily or weekly schedule decreases stress and can lead to a more sustainable lifestyle overall.

Alongside extended mealtimes, quality of food is also a common priority in France. Farmer’s markets and fresh, local goods are integral to the French diet, providing a minimally processed foundation on which meals are built.

Feeding one’s mind well is as essential as feeding one’s body in France. During their off time, the French make a point to visit museums and galleries, attend live performances, and read new literature. Connecting to your culture on a regular basis cultivates a greater understanding and appreciation for where you live and those around you.

While one could say the French embrace a “more is more” mindset when it comes to rest, they take a “less is more” perspective in other aspects of life. This value is on full display when it comes to popular French makeup and classically understated style of dressing.

French women do not seem to strive for perfection, but rather a beautifully undone “I-totally-woke-up-like-this” style for hair and makeup. In Emily in Paris, this is displayed by Emily’s boss, Sylvie. Sylvie’s hair never appears to be heat styled, as if she only ever allows it to air dry, utilizing a hairclip when necessary but nothing else. Emily, on the other hand, is never seen in the office without her refined waves.

In France, the spotlight shines less on makeup than it does skincare. This adds to the allure of natural, individual beauty and encourages aging more gracefully by prioritizing the health of the skin rather than covering it up. 

By embodying these principles, we hope to create more sustainable and enjoyable habits in 2023. Are we not all just trying to enjoy good food and scenery while also being effortlessly chic?

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