Where Are They Now? with Sydney Hedberg

Where Are They Now? with Sydney Hedberg

By: Kate Abraham

Sydney Hedberg, Ole Miss alumna, makes success look easy. Holding the prestigious position of Associate Director of the MMC Advantage Team at Marsh & McLennan Companies in New York, she sets a fine example of a level of prosperity and hard work for which all should strive.

A native of Asheville, North Carolina, Hedberg was not immediately drawn to Ole Miss. Growing up, she always dreamed of going to college in California. After being deferred from the University of Southern California, Hedberg committed to going to Ole Miss. Her original plan was to stay at Ole Miss for two years and then transfer out west. When thinking back to the beginning of her time as a Rebel, she said, “I remember calling my dad three weeks after I got there, and I told him I was not going to leave.” 

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Hedberg double-majored in risk management and insurance and managerial finance in the Ole Miss School of Business, proving how vast her skillset and ability is. 

The summer between her junior and senior years, she interned as a casualty broker in the insurance brokerage space for Marsh, the company she is employed at today. This experience allowed her to intern for the company in its energy division during the summer following her senior year. Following graduation, she was offered a full-time position. As the company has office locations in six cities in the U.S., one being New York City, she was able to secure a job at the office in Manhattan. 

Not only does Hedberg prove her talent through the accomplishment of her current position, but she is the author of the successful book Barneys, Bergdorfs, and Bills: A Girlfriend’s Guide to Finance. This book was written during her senior year of college to provide women with confidence and knowledge of managing their money and expenses. 

“There was nothing kick-starting me to write this book except for me,” Hedberg said. “It is empowering, it is confidence, and that is what I was trying to instill in women.”

The book does just that, and it is a vital asset to women, as personal finance is a topic that is not frequently learned in the classroom. Being in this position herself and having many friends who were clueless about how to begin life in the real world following graduation without going broke, she was inspired to write and teach others what she was so often wondering herself. 

Hedberg said, “I think it is incredible to see girls feel more confident in their finances.”

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After two years at her entry-level position as a property and casualty broker, Hedberg climbed the ladder to the corporate parent company, Marsh and McLennan. Now, much of her job includes working on large-scale natural catastrophe schemes. The position mainly consists of business development and the planning process and requirements of successfully constructing and carrying out these schemes. 

“I like my job, and every day is different,” she said. “A business development role is really cool because you get to make it your own.”

One of Hedberg’s responsibilities includes communicating with global teams in London and Singapore, all of which have the common goal of bringing Marsh and McLennan to the clients. Her days are often full of strategy development and connecting with others to carry out these strategies. 

“Every day is different, and each day, a different challenge comes across my desk,” Hedberg said. “At the end of the day, it is about trying to better position society for any sort of big loss: let’s make people feel better, and if something bad happens, we can make them whole again.”

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Hedberg is a part of the global team, and she works closely with those in many different countries. Working with people located across the globe provides Hedberg with an even more in-depth experience with her position. She can see many different viewpoints as the schemes are often very different from those in the U.S.

When describing some of her favorite aspects of her job, she said, “I like that I have a bigger view; I want to be able to see the whole picture.”  

Hedberg emphasizes how much she enjoys the fact that she is so influential on others' well-being and confidence regarding their homes and businesses. Giving others the confidence and security they are protected in a time of trouble is very rewarding.

“To be able to affect change, we are giving people peace of mind,” Hedberg said. “When you go to sleep at night, you know your home is insured, so if something happens, you are going to be taken care of. The same is true for a business because they have liability coverage, worker’s compensation, etc. It sounds cheesy, but it is helping people, which I think is incredible.”

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Hedberg’s constant success and achievements are inspiring to many. For those hoping to reach a position as prestigious and influential as Hedberg’s one day, she advises, “You need to make genuine connections; that is the main way I climbed in my job. Focus on where you will be in the future and what will benefit your future self. Shoot your shot; if you are interested in something, give it a go.”

Hedberg sets a fantastic example for all students getting ready to tackle the employment search. If anyone can be trusted, it is Sydney Hedberg, and I know many can say they are excited to see what she accomplishes next. 

Photos courtesy of: Sydney Hedberg 
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