4 Ways to Practice Self-Care During the Hectic Holidays

4 Ways to Practice Self-Care During the Hectic Holidays

By: Madalyn Dudley

The holiday season can provide momentary relaxation and peace for many of us, but it can also provide stress, exhaustion, and multiple to-do lists. It is easy for us to become consumed in the hustle and bustle involved with preparing for the holidays, leaving us too tired to enjoy the final festivities. Though self-care has become a trending topic in 2022, we often forget to practice mindfulness during the hectic holiday season. Being persistent with your self-care is the best way to ensure that you will be at your best throughout your many holiday events and responsibilities. We have curated four ways you can practice self-care and ensure your personal peace all while participating in the many chaotic holiday activities. 

1. Practice gratitude

When feeling anxious or overwhelmed, it is best to step back and appreciate the positive aspects of your life. Practicing gratitude can be as simple as making a mental note of things around you that you are thankful for, or actively journaling things each day that you are specifically grateful for. No matter how you practice gratitude, when you allow your mind to pause and think specifically about things in your life that you are thankful for, it will redirect your thoughts from overwhelmed and flustered to thankful for the opportunity to spend time with your friends, family, or whomever you may celebrate with. Different journaling prompts for practicing gratitude include: 

  • My favorite part of today was….

  • I am thankful for this huge success I had in 2022…

  • Someone I am specifically thankful for this year is… 

  • 10 things I love about myself are…

  • I am thankful for these 5 things that happened today….

If you are feeling especially thankful, a great way to practice gratitude is by telling those whom you are thankful for how much you appreciate them. This can be in the form of a gift, letter, or a simple message of your gratitude for them and their fellowship. 

2. Prioritize exercise and physical health 

It is easy for our workout routines to fall to the back burner during the holidays, but it is crucial that in the midst of the busy season, we find time to exercise and sleep sufficient amounts. It has been proven that an adequate amount of sleep and exercise each day will release endorphins to improve your mood, and ensure your body is able to perform on a high level throughout the day. On average, you should try to move your body for 30 minutes a day and get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If we wish to be active and present during our holiday events, it is important to remember this step of self-care.

3. Take a long shower or bath followed with lotion and your skincare routine 

Although this may sound clichè, when we are stressed, we often forget about basic self-care practices like taking a long shower and practicing our full skincare routine. Warm water can relax your muscles and calm your body while giving you ample time to relax your mind as well. Hot water and alone time is the best pair to create the perfect mood reset and leave you rested and relaxed. It is important to ensure your body is not left dry after your relaxing time in the steam. After your bath, you should take time to moisturize your body and practice your full skincare routine, including masks and other more lavish products. This sense of luxury will allow you to treat your body for all the hard work it has put in for the holidays. 

4. Staying present while opening presents 

It is easy to focus on making the perfect side dish for the family potluck or answering the countless questions from relatives during holiday gatherings, but the best way to practice self-care is to allow yourself to enjoy the holiday in which you celebrate. By hyper-focusing on things out of your control, you are closing your mind off from experiencing what is in front of you. It is important to try to be present while at your holiday events. Whether this means putting your phone away, taking deep breaths, or focusing on one thing at a time, try to slow down and be present with your friends and family this season. 

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