Letter from the Editors: Merry, Merry from Square Magazine

Letter from the Editors: Merry, Merry from Square Magazine

By: Elena Ossoski, Molly Roberts

As always, the end of the calendar year prompts us to reflect on where we have been and are now. The release of our second print edition this past spring and the welcoming of a new team have been just a couple of this year’s highlights. 

We have had the joy of continuing to collaborate in order to bring you, our readers, endless content designed to entertain and inform. In 2022, Square has shared notes on styles from abroad, covered the best runway shows of the year, unpacked different ways to stay mentally fit through the stress of school, and created definitive collections of the greatest products. 

With the new year quickly approaching, we can only hope that it will bring more opportunities to create, share, and connect. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy holiday season. No matter what you celebrate, we hope your holidays are filled with love, laughter, and cheer. 

Merry, merry!


Elena & Molly 

& everyone at Square Magazine

Keep reading Square Magazine as we move into the new year and follow us on Instagram @um.squaremagazine for daily content!

Photo by Savannah Armistead.


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